Chamber Board Member Del Wilkins writes in Chicago Tribune on support for the maritime act


As we mark the anniversary of the enactment of the Jones Act, the statutory foundation of American maritime, events here and around the world — from extreme weather to war in the Middle East and Ukraine — continue to challenge the nation’s supply chain, and Americans are counting on the expertise, tenacity and ingenuity of Illinois mariners more than ever to keep us moving. Our state House of Representatives acknowledged this when it recently passed House Resolution 0291 recognizing the importance of the Jones Act.

Governor considers repealing grocery tax


Jacksonville stands to lose about $500,000 if a 1% grocery sales tax is repealed. Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced in February his intention to repeal the grocery tax to provide consumers some relief from inflation, but municipalities are worried a repeal will mean less funding for services provided by local governments.

IL lawmakers OK bill to limit risk of financial ruin for businesses targeted by biometrics class actions


Illinois lawmakers have given final approval to a reform measure supporters say will finally shield employers and others doing business in Illinois from potentially ruinous payouts under Illinois' stringent biometrics privacy law.

Illinois could be the next state to curb ‘captive audience meetings’ on labor issues at work


Illinois legislators are advancing a measure that would prohibit employers from holding mandatory meetings with anti-union messages for employees. Supporters of the bill said such “captive audience” meetings have hurt union campaigns in the Chicago area. The bill, which would cover meetings on political and religious issues, would not ban those meetings outright, but would prohibit retaliation against employees who choose not to attend.