Executive Director, Energy Council | amessina@ilchamber.org
The Energy Council encourages the development and availability of all kinds of energy and conservation measures in an environmentally responsible and cost-competitive way. Energy permeates every aspect of our lives – from sports to healthcare to technology to transportation - and it’s a given it’s always there. Our state needs policies that promote the continued expansion of energy production in Illinois, and allow for development of energy resources and infrastructure to meet the state’s and nation’s increasing energy demands. These policies will help keep energy costs competitive and attract business to Illinois.
The Energy Council is made up of companies that generate, transmit or transport energy, and supply energy companies. These members are in every kind of energy field –wind, coal, solar, natural gas, biofuels, efficiency, and crude oil. Together, we educate our leaders on the energy choices that lie ahead and advocate for solutions that will help Illinois’ energy industry grow. The fact is, the more access we have to affordable energy, the more opportunities we as a society have to advance ourselves, grow our economy and care for our planet.