Leading Through Change and Successful Change Implementation

7/16/2024 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
NIU Center, 1120 E. Diehl Rd., Naperville, IL 60563

In time where markets are changing, competition is fierce, customers are more demanding than ever, business itself is changing, and uncertainty is abound, companies must be almost instantly responsive to change as a necessity for survival. That means leaders must make some tough decisions, take more risks, obtain higher levels of employee engagement, and become more innovative than ever before. Most important, they need to create and execute smart strategies and implement changes necessary to ensure a successful future. But without the support of their entire workforce, no initiative can succeed. 

It should not be surprising that many business leaders are perplexed about how to handle employees who are disgruntled by their calls to embrace change processes. Change makes many employees feel uncomfortable, challenges the way they view themselves, disrupts their productivity, and forces them to deal with a great deal of pressure and uncertainty.  What will happen with this merger?  How will I be affected? Will I keep my job? Can I learn the new system quickly? Will I need to learn new skills? What will the new boss be like? Some resist, or passively “go through the motions” of doing their job.  Others simply struggle to adapt and commit to new ways of doing things.

This program will address -

Our changing world

How customers have changed

What progressive businesses are doing to ensure a profitable future

Managing the human side of change - 

Three types employees and how each is likely to react to change

Ten steps to change implementation 

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